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Past Immersions

Crater Springs

Micro Immersion

Wondering though a Maze like home and grounds of the Grafton Estate Audience found them self in the awkward position of closing down the manner for the season despite the house being stuck in some sort of time loop!

Capacity 40 patrons per hour


Immersive Play

The Sleepy Seaside Town of Stormshaven accepted a rare group of outsiders on the night of the Installment festival, a once in quarter century event for the selection of the towns next mayor. The audience is pitted against one another to complete tasks in order to be considered worthy of this honor.

Capacity 60 patrons per hour


Bunker W36

Immersive Party

Locked deep underground Bunker W36's inhabitance are running low on supplies and moral.  Its new years and the bunker has been sealed for 50 years the celebration coincides with the election overseer election for a term of another decade.  The fate of all the inhabitance hangs in the balance.

Capacity 65 Patrons


La Provisions

Immersive Party

The hour is late and the year is 1917. Deep in the Swiss Alps on wondering paths though the evergreens that takes audience from comfort of the warm chalets to the Provisions Hut.  The Storm is coming down something fierce and visibility is measure in mere feet. Dark figure move among the trees and their whispers are lost in the wind. Rumor has it that among the wealthy revelers avoiding the pains of war residence Axis Sabators. 

Does the Audience dare ferret them out?

Capacity 45  Patrons

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